Monday 10 September 2012

FUTA......Is the path right...?

The education of the country has a problem
A big..big..problem, from the right beginning 

Its wrong in the system
Its wrong in the approach of service provider
Its wrong in the perception of subscriber
and even in the thinking pattern of public

Its going down the drain for sure
A total revamp must be on line.....otherwise....!!!!

But....Has FUTA got a mandate to go on strike
demanding 6% of GDP on education?
I totally agree that education needs big input from state, 
may be even more than 6% 


Who should decide what percentage of GDP
that should be assigned for a given sector?


They may be idiots, blunt heads, crooks, robbers, rapists....etc.
But you have selected them and given them the mandate to decide....

If you don't like what they do; voice, shout, write, picket, 
if there is no result, then change them

But it is not the mandate of the Dons
to go on strike demanding such conditions
'cause you have already given the politicos the mandate for such
on the day that you elected them

Imagine if health, security, civil service etc. 
will start demanding x%, y%, z% etc. for their sectors.......
.....the country will soon be a stale porridge

Meaningless strikes can kill the spirit of strikes
as it has already been done by Comrade Lal Kantha

The public now started smelling something fishy in the soup...

Whose requirement is this strike........?
Is the minister himself behind this....?

So, without further damaging the public image of academia
Take a decision............PLEASE

The country is looking at you...........................

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