Saturday 16 March 2019

මරණින් පසු...? After death...?

අපි දකින්නේ කෙසේද...?

පෙනීම යන සංකල්පය 100% භෞතිකය. එය ආලෝක ෆෝටෝන යම් වස්තුවකින් පරාවර්තනය වීම, එය වර්තනයෙන් පසු දෘෂ්ටි විතානය මගින් සංවේදනය කිරීම, නියුරෝන හරහා විද්‍යුත් ස්පන්ද මොළය වෙත ගමන් කිරීම, මොළයේ කොටස් කිහිපයකදී කෙරෙන සංඥා සැකසීම සහ රටා හඳුනා ගැනීම, ඒ මත ගන්නා තීරණය ආදී වශයෙන් වෙයි. 

අප සිරුරේ ඇති පංචෙන්ද්‍රියයන් සහ මනස (මොළය මත පදනම් වූ) භෞතික රාශීන් වේ. අපගේ භෞතික ශරීරය අක්‍රිය වූ විට (මරණයට පත් වූ විට) මෙම සියළු ආදාන/ප්‍රතිදාන ග්‍රාහක සහ දත්ත සැකසුම් පද්ධතිය නවතී.

 මෙහි අර්ථය කුමක්ද?

මරණින් මතු යම් දෙයක් පවතී නම් එය මේ වන විට  පවතින මනුෂ්‍ය බුද්ධියට පිටතින් වූ භූතාර්ථයක් විය යුතුය. නැවත ආදාන/ප්‍රතිදාන ග්‍රාහක සහ දත්ත සැකසුම් පද්ධතියක් සහිත භෞතික ස්වරුපයක් සමග අනුගත වනතෙක් මෙම භූතාර්ථයට අවකාශ-කාල සංවේදනයක් නැතිවිය යුතුය (අපගේ දැනුම් පද්ධතියට අනුව). 

මෙම සංසිද්ධිය සඳහා හෝ මින් ඔබ්බට වෙනත් තර්කානුකූල පැහැදිලි කිරීමක් තිබේද?

ඔබට කෙරෙන ආරාධනයයි. 


මරණින් මතු  භූතාර්ථයක් පවතින බවට යම් තර්කානුකූල (තම විඥානයට බාහිරින් තාර්කික වූ) පැහැදිලිකිරීමක් කල හැකිද?

එසේ පවතී නම් එම භූතාර්ථයෙහි ස්වභාවය, පවතින ඥාන ශක්තිය සහ දැනුම් සම්භාරය තුල විශ්ලේෂණය කල හැකිද?

ආදාන / ප්‍රතිදාන ග්‍රාහක සහ දත්ත සැකසුම් පධතියකින් තොරව පවතින මෙම භූතාර්ථයට අවකාශ-කාල සංවේදනයක් පවතීද? 

How do we see…?

Seeing is 100% physical. It involves light photons reflected from an object, sensed by the retina and after some refractions, electrical signals to the brain through neurons where the signal processing and pattern recognition takes place to make the decision.

All five senses and the so-called mind (connected to the brain) are physical. Once the physical body is deactivated (dead) all these I/O ports and the processing unit stop.

What does that mean…?

If there is any entity left after the death of the physical body, then it should be something that is totally unknown to the present human intelligence. This entity does not sense the space-time existence unless it integrates with another physical form that has the I/O ports and the processing unit (as per our present knowledge base).

Is there any other rational explanation to this phenomena or beyond this?

You are invited to express your views. 


In brief;

Is there any rational explanation for the existence of "something" after death?

If such an entity exists, can we understand what it is within our intellectual peripherals?

Deprived of the i/o ports and processing unit (body and mind), can this entity experience/sense space-time?

Tuesday 5 March 2019

Hard-working, Brilliant and the Genius

It was a Monday morning in 1987. My first day of the first semester at the University of Colombo. At PLT, the lecture theatre with colonial prestige, I attended my first ever university lecture. It was on Waves & Vibrations, conducted by Dr. K T L de Silva of the Physics Department. 

For almost one hour, he wrote many things on the blackboard with a piece of chalk, in tiny letters, murmuring something to the blackboard itself. 

It was a total disaster. I thought that I have been selected to university education by some sheer mistake. I couldn't understand a word. it was totally out of this world. 

My buddy in the next seat was quite relaxed. with a smiling face, he was looking at the small-built lecturer, who is talking monotonously. Perhaps he may be daydreaming about some pretty girls. 

After one hour of torture, the lecturer left. I turned to my colleague and asked 

"Machan, did you understand anything?".

"There was nothing to understand. It was just the basic, wasn't it?" he said casually with his usual grin.

That justified my thoughts. It may be a grave mistake for me, getting into the university, leaving a rather lucrative job that I had as a school leaver before entering the uni, at a private firm. 

It took a few months for me to understand that the mistake was something else.

The person who was next to me was the only genius that I have met in my life so far.......... Nilanga Liyanage.

There are three types of successful people in the world. They are the genius, the brilliant & the hard-working people. 

Geniuses (in old style genii) are born, not made
Brilliants are made, not born
Hard-workers are triggered from inside or outside

The most important task of parents is to identify that to what category of the above three their kids belong (or perhaps the fourth category, the failures). The sooner you identify this, the better the chances that you are going to have a successful son or daughter. 

A genius is born once in a blue moon. And whatever the environment that they are brought up they will excel in whatever they do. 

You may never see a genius study hard or even going through books. Most often they are well in advance to their teachers. They have high memory capacity and super fast analytical skills. 

Most geniuses enjoy the life to the maximum. As they don't need to spend time going through the educational stuff repeatedly, they have enough space in their lives for many other activities. They are usually jolly good fellas, with a good sense of humor and always in a party mood. However, despite their joyful day to day life, they excel in exams and other competitions.

Brilliants are made by the environment; parents, teachers, relatives and friends, the living atmosphere, and a little bit of genetics. 

Typically brilliants have a wide spectrum of behavior. Many of them at least keep a neat day to day work record. However, their studying habits may significantly vary from person to person. Some are used to study for a few hours every day. Whereas, some just browse their work for half an hour per day and cram quite intensively towards the end of the lecture course (a few days to the exam).  

Most often they get very good marks in the exams. Even if they drop down a bit at an exam, they can recover fast. If you, as parents, believe in them, they will gain enough confidence to upgrade themselves within a short time. 

Children start working hard due to two reasons; either something triggers them internally to do hard work or an external force, such as parents or teachers make them motivated.  

Hard-working people are the tidiest in housekeeping their studies. They have quite neat notebooks and detailed notes. They work a few to several hours every day and gradually increase the working time towards the exams. A hard worker needs a constant moral boost and push (verbal reminders and a little bit of sound) as it is a boring game to play throughout life. However, each hard-working child has a certain optimum time limit that he has to spend on his/her studies. Forcing them beyond that limit may cause even psychological instability in the child. 

As a parent, you should clearly understand that both brilliants and hard workers could fall down to the fourth category if you don't handle them correctly, especially at critical ages of their lives. 

One of the worst acts that I have seen among the parents is the comparison of their own kids with the others.

When the neighbor's son studies from 8 pm to 12 pm every day, some parents get highly upset. They start to yell at their kids who study just an hour a day, asking them to follow the next door guy. This is the worst that a parent can do to their children. It may totally ruin the entire career of the child. Sometimes, the child who is initially a brilliant will end up as an utter failure. 

There are cases that some students have gone through a sudden transition from hard-working to the brilliant category (not vice versa). This may be due to certain triggering factors. It is the duty of the parents to realize such transitions as well. 

Parents have to be quite vigilant to see whether their kid is getting into a close friendship with a genius (chances are rare). Most often this will be a disaster for the non-genius kid, especially, if the latter is a hard worker. The free and easy lifestyle of a genius-kid may totally mislead the other that it is the way of living for successful outcomes. Apart from that, the non-genius could be utterly frustrated when he sees that his colleague could understand matters that he cannot even imagine. This may force the kid to think that he himself is an idiot. As it repeats every moment, the end may be catastrophic. 

As a caring parent, observe your child patiently for a few years after he/she starts the schooling career. Then, determine to which category the child belongs. Once you realize that, guide the child accordingly so that he/she will end up as a happy and successful person.

Getting category 4 children into the successful lot is a complex game that should be addressed in a separate article. This article is for parents with kids in the first three categories. The bottom line is that you better not make the brilliants and hard-workers demoting into failure's level by unwise child-management. 

Good luck


Saturday 2 March 2019

නොදුටු සිහිනය

හිමිදිරියේ නෙත ගැටුනු
බිඳේ යැයි සිත කියූ
දෝතින් නොගත් සුමුදු පිනි බිඳක්

හිරු පහස ලද සැනින්
වියැකෙනා බව නොදත්
හදවතක් ඉකි බිඳී කල්පයක්

අකුරු වැල් යා නොකළ
පෙම්දමක මුතු පබළු
ආ මගේ තැනින් තැන විසිරිලා

යස ඉසුරු පුද පඬුරු
ජය නාද පසුකරන්
මළ හිරුත් සිතිජයට ලංවෙලා

යකඩ වන් සිත් පවා
බිඳ වැටෙන සන්ධ්‍යාවේ
නොදුටු සිහිනයක් නෙත සොයනවා

සත් සමුදුරෙන් එතෙර
ගිරි කදුරු සිකර මැද
සෙනෙහසක් සෙමෙන් ඉකිබිඳිනවා

මුදු ලැමට හිස තබා
ලොවක බර මුදන්නට
වියපත් හදක් පැතුම් පුරනවා

නුඹ එතන මම මෙතන
අප දෙනෙත හමු නොවන
රාත්‍රිය ඉක්මනින් වඩිනවා
